
Recovery Plus Emergency Spray

Ainsworths Recovery Plus Emergency Spray

Recovery Plus Emergency Spray

21ml spray


Catalog ref: AN-RPS

Key Info

  • To rescue & restore.
  • A powerful emergency combination remedy for times of exceptional crisis.


Emergency Spray is the only Alcohol-free emergency combination available using Bach Flower Remedies, making it suitable for everyone, from babies to pets and even livestock! Elegant spray bottle a must for every handbag, pocket and first-aid kit!

This effective formula combines Dr Bach's Original Rescue Remedy Formula with three additional calming and strengthening Bach Flowers, Aspen, Mimulus and White Chestnut.

This combination provides a powerful solution not only for everyday pressures but right through to moments of exceptional crisis.


Bach Recovery Plus Emergency Formula is made in original 'stock' strength aiding its potency and effectiveness. The 1:240 strength strictly adheres to Dr Bach's direction and his instructions have been carefully followed in the preparation of this remedy.

Star of Bethlehem - for trauma and numbness

Rock Rose - for terror and panic

Impatiens - for tension and irritability

Cherry Plum - for fear of losing control

Clematis - for being detached from the situation

Aspen - for fear of the unknown

Mimulus - for fear of specific things

White Chestnut - for persistent thoughts


Originally produced to deal with anything life may throw at us, this remedy is ideal to use as a preventative as it instills calm and prevents stress.

Relieves the symptoms of anxiety and distress and restores harmony in those panicky moments like exam nerves or before flying.

It is indispensable as a calming remedy for all manner of emotional crises.

Dosage Guide

For everyday pressures: Spray 4 drops in 30ml glass of water sipped at intervals.

For crisis: Spray 4 drops directly on tongue as required.


Show Ingredients